
Methodological support & mastering solutions

We help our customer IT department and business unit to manage their major transformation project with a strong methodological emphasis
We based our intervention on the skills developped by our consultants :
– testing (from test strategy to test execution and automation)
– data migration and IT switchover (big bang or multi stage, chronogram, certification)
– Project portfolio support and dependencies management

Patrice is a graduate of ENSEIRB – MATMECA. After a technical career as a design engineer, Patrice has spent the last 20 years working as a business and IT consultant for banking and insurance clients. Patrice has worked on information system overhauls with a budgetary focus and on RFI and RFP processes. He has also been involved in all phases of projects, from scoping to deployment, including testing and migration. Patrice worked for over 6 years in Benelux (BGL BNP Paribas, Euroclear and Cardif Lux Vie). For the past 10 years, Patrice has specialised in the life insurance and asset management sectors, particularly in the implementation of software solutions and portfolio takeovers.

Patrice Icart

Directeur du pôle Apport méthodologique & maîtrise de solutions

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